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Dima Kolosov

Anubis is over

Yes, today is the day I’m done with Anubis theme. It is no longer maintained, but it still works.

It was a great experience, but last year I understood that theme stopped me from customizing blog. Theme should stay universal and every tweak turns into a nightmare, most of the time with some config options.

Also, it is some kind of stress to deal with issues and PRs — you’re not obliged to do it, but…

The last change was to fix some bugs and change the dark/light switcher to a modern one.

Right now I changed some things locally and what a relief - I can do anything with my blog without fear of breaking others.

Thanks to all who have used and are using this theme, who contributed to it, or who just give stars to the repository on GitHub. Almost 400, it’s quite a number for me.

P.S. The License is MIT so you can do whatever you want with theme.